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[求助] Attempt to add part at undefined sensor 1 on conveyor coneyor001?

发表于 2013-12-5 12:47:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Attempt to add part at undefined sensor 1 on conveyor coneyor001是怎么回事?# k* J2 ]! V1 y& Q
" c6 k7 I$ Q8 G. j5 }. G
conveyor元素的input rule:
  v3 @" E+ i1 n  A1 u8 N8 W: z  T; o6 zif nparts(coneyor001)<50 K, |1 D. f1 Y1 C$ m
pull from buf1 with labor1 using path
5 W* F4 J6 P" a0 ]% u; s# ~' U& U! `else5 x9 X4 T, r' z9 z7 j- V3 H; j4 J' v
wait! q' x. d2 z: l; A; B$ a: @5 o
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