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[求助] 一个transport block 可以控制若干节路线吗?

发表于 2010-5-29 15:41:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 EPFL_GO111 于 2010-6-1 17:39 编辑
0 Q8 A. a& [9 h5 j# s
3 h3 m  \. I8 ]# D一个transport block 可以控制绿色小球沿着一条线段(一个开始点与一结束点来构成),可是我现在又若干节路线,如图,4条线段,5个坐标点,请问只靠一个transport block可以实现吗?或者其他方法,谢谢 4 U: E. _  L3 y  o$ o  o
; {/ Z7 e3 k) b5 g! J! W* N

4 p1 `9 \  H8 J9 y: qCan one transport block control more than two coordinates? 3 l1 G6 T* z. |$ n2 g3 z% r
5 m. n% k1 V6 r/ ^* A
As can be seen, there are 4 segments corresponding to 5 coordinates. As we know, one transport block can transport one green circle by entering two coordinates (one as the starting coordinate and the other ) $ n" J+ p7 q5 S8 X) \6 B9 \
now there is a route line consisting of 4 segments, should I need 4 transport blocks to realize the trajectory of the green circle? Can one green circle move along these four segment by just entering 5 coordinates through only one transport block? Thank u.
. K8 U; N+ ]8 E; Y

# @/ Z) D$ W5 @1 B- A& v, F+ V* _
发表于 2010-5-30 00:19:52 | 显示全部楼层
transport 不是控制模块,只是一个执行模块,所有的控制应该放在 诸如  equation(I), select item in/out 模块等。
; y' \% `$ f1 a3 ]& p* K0 l( o8 B+ K9 t
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-1 17:39:59 | 显示全部楼层
2# iesim   c1 }! a2 Z# C4 _5 ~
  f  a- R' G0 B  p( @# \1 Q) X2 E
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