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[求助] 基于距离来选择路径?

发表于 2010-5-8 10:28:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 EPFL_GO111 于 2010-5-8 10:32 编辑 1 [1 @# s6 V2 Z9 D& N
' i+ @0 J( }/ z9 O2 C
now i have an idea that if the leader object in the route 1 has the distance less than 10 meters (for example), i would choose the route 2 to avoid it.. however, if the leader object in the route 1 has the distance greater than 10 meters, i would choose the route 1 to continue my journey.: ]5 E7 w* o4 o7 O, K; S  Q0 t
* D, ?2 G" i+ E
Can Extendsim detect the distance? or how can i realize this function by using other ways?
- T/ N* O! P+ D/ e. w1 B, p. ~, G1 s4 R. ?
thank you for sharing your ideas. thx- p6 V$ ]) ~. U8 k! M
& I' s& n+ I, ?$ J7 q6 @3 f! s
如题,我想实现如下效果:如果我前面的小球(在路径1)距离我小于10米,我就会选择路径2去避免与他相碰,但是,如果我前面的小球(在路径1)距离我大于10米,我还是会选择路径1去继续我的旅程。) @/ b7 c( h3 B  j6 ]
# h# F& O9 L# }* K. W3 I% R
发表于 2010-5-8 14:50:36 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-8 20:37:04 | 显示全部楼层
2# iesim . g2 }* Y* p, z9 t

+ }' h; Z4 j  c# K0 Piesim,你给了我很重要的提示,谢谢
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