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[悬赏] 关于装配的实现~~

发表于 2009-6-14 16:41:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
( g2 k& r+ D) O/ x/ ~! h, y( o$ m5 g+ q9 G; M% W. B' G
begin P_wait arriving
$ a  b$ T# G* G* y4 @7 Q( \  if this load type=L_a1 then
* J* R6 f% S7 m7 B6 ^    wait to be ordered on OL_1
# U! g! g0 m5 e& q9 h$ b" ^: h  if this load type=L_b1 then
, p. @+ C- T) j, p0 W$ a    wait to be ordered on OL_2. Y3 g$ e9 C; A7 O" y6 W
  send to P_assemble: |8 o* p) L& y' |" I/ A# P2 z% w
end& N( {0 p7 x: I' n: y9 n; [

7 p  I6 G) h8 J: e7 b' S  K! S% o1 Obegin P_assemble arriving0 T# Q  F. F3 X& W  w3 d
  order a load from OL_1 to die
1 g8 \6 ^4 y8 a: s    in case order not filled backorder on OL_1
6 y, A' m0 i; Q. l" U  order a load from OL_2 to continue
$ N4 U4 @, P1 I( L    in case order not filled backorder on OL_2
$ H2 g5 g& }! {% N4 R  set load type to L_product
0 v& k* U- v" p( w  get R_massm
2 x* t1 F' p/ y: S  wait for normal 5,1 min
8 a& i8 _' L# G  free R_massm
! e% A) D* q. M- S* K: U  move into Q_stock5 H5 o/ f9 M# P
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-15 12:22:08 | 显示全部楼层
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